Thursday, January 17, 2008

NV Lawsuit Fallacy #1

NV Lawsuit Fallacy #1: It's not political.

Of course it's political. At this stage in the game everything is. I challenge even the most strident of Clinton supporters to look me in the eye and say it's not political, knowing that:

- Several of the leaders of the Teachers Union bringing the suit are Clinton supporters
- Those same leaders were privy to and, if I have this right (Edit: source), actually voted in favor of these rules months ago.
- They suddenly "discover" the issue, two days after the Culinary Workers endorse Obama
- Their complaint is that this unfairly disenfranchises their voters, relative to the Culinary Workers. Their solution? Instead of adding more at-large sites they want to remove the at-large sites altogether, disenfranchising even more voters.

NV Lawsuit Truth #1: The caucus system is unfair and not democratic.

Yep, that's the plain truth. It's old, it's antiquated and even when it was first made the goal was to keep power within the party elite. That said, there's lots to fix in the US democracy, much more pressing than the caucus system, like a president being elected but losing the popular vote.

Coming next, NV Lawsuit Fallacy #2: The at-large votes count 10 times more.

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